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Omnisend Review, Omnisend Reviews, Omnisend email marketing tool, Omnisend email marketing software, Omnisend email marketing services

Are you struggling with email marketing? If yes, you are not alone. It happens with almost every eCommerce/Shopify beginner. You need a software program like Omnisend for eCommerce to help you save time using email automation. Before we dive into Omnisend review and whether you should get Omnisend for eCommerce or not, Let’s have an overview of email marketing and what we are going to discuss in this article.

Omnisend Review Overview:

When it comes to eCommerce, the final wish of every business owner is sales. Website development, inventory management, SEO, and other important tasks are secondary because all these things are done to get more and more sales. The sale is what brings cash flow to your business, so it is an essential part if you want to make your business sustainable. 

The only way to increase sales is through marketing. The better your marketing is, the better your sales and revenue will be. There are different methods of marketing, including social media marketing, search engine marketing, and influencer marketing; however, email marketing is the most powerful, preferred, and profitable way of marketing. Research conducted by DMA says that email marketing gives a $42 return for every $1 on average. This shows email marketing is not dead; it is still powerful.

Ominsend is an email marketing software tool that can help you get better conversions using automation and some easy ways. Today, we will have a detailed Omnisend review with features, pros, cons, and where you can use Omnisend email marketing.

Read Alos:

Why Use Omnisend?

There are dozens of email marketing tools, plugins, and software programs available, then why Omnisend is still in the limelight? The reason why Omnisend is popular is that it is a versatile tool that not only does email marketing for you but automates it in a very intelligent way. It also gives you a bonus, which is newsletters/reminders via SMS.

If you want to save time from marketing, Omnisend email marketing is the best option to go for as it boosts your sales through automated emails and SMS. The best thing about it is that it is very intelligent. For instance, if someone has abandoned the cart, Omnisend will send an email/SMS after a delay. It automatically offers discounts to the customer based on the original value of the product. This increases the chances of sales. If the product does not have a substantial profit margin, it just sends a reminder without a discount offer. In simple words, it is intelligent enough to replace a person sitting at a computer and giving discount offers to customers. Omnisend for eCommerce is what you need to keep your customers happy and up-to-date.

Omnisend is like an auto-pilot mode that takes over your email and SMS marketing and brings more sales in every possible way. It can increase conversions without any hassle. Let’s have a look at its features for a better Omnisend review.

Omnisend Review- Features:

Omnisend has a bunch of features, but if we combine everything into one Omnisend feature, then there will be high conversions. Let’s look at the salient features of Omnisend email marketing that can help you decide whether it is worth it or not.

Integration with eCommerce Platforms.

Omnisend is for different website builders and content management systems. No matter whether your website is powered by WordPress or Shopify, you can integrate it without any hassle. It is compatible with WooCommerce (WordPress plugin), Shopify, BigCommerce, Magneto, LeadSlide, CartHook, Ekoma, etc. There are dozens of partnered platforms, so you can integrate with any of them with ease and improve your marketing.

Five Channels.

The best feature of Omnisend email marketing is that it has five channels that widen the scope of your marketing. The five channels include,

  1. Email Marketing
  2. SMS Marketing
  3. Web Push Notifications
  4. Google Customer Match
  5. Facebook Custom Audiences

Thus, it is a versatile platform that can do multiple tasks at the same time. If you prefer marketing on Facebook and your target audience is there, it can help you optimize your advertisement campaigns to get maximum return.

With the help of push notifications, you can grab more customers by giving them deals and discounts on their browsers.

Moreover, it is difficult to get high conversions through Google Ads, but Omnisend makes it better and simpler. You can target people and improve your reach on YouTube and other Ad networks.

Segmented Campaigns.

Segmented campaigns help you target specific customers. You can target those customers who like particular products, such as shirts, sneakers, and watches. You can target high-spending and low-spending customers separately. Omnisend email marketing helps you send customized emails and SMS to such customers.

Segmented campaigns help you increase conversions by up to 62%. The well-targeted emails work better and give you the best results.

Omnisend Automation.

Omnisend can save you a lot of time. It helps you automate email marketing and SMS campaigns. Whenever any product is added to the cart, and the customer delays the purchase for a few days, an email is sent automatically, including promotional deals and discounts. 

Moreover, emails after the confirmation of the order and transactional emails are also automated. So, you don’t need to do anything, but your customers will still be happy. If your customer does not have an internet connection at the moment, he can receive the SMS. Overall, Omnisend for eCommerce improves customer interaction and saves you precious time.

Omnisend Pricing :

Omnisend’s price is very cheap and affordable. See details of Omnisend’s pricing.


  • The customer support of Omnisend is more than amazing. You will get help whenever needed. If there is any issue, you can talk to their customer support 24/7 and get prompt replies through live support.
  • Omnisend email marketing is quite simple. Even beginners can use it with ease. You can integrate it with partnered platforms and make your marketing simple.
  • You can work on five channels using only one tool. This helps you boost your conversions in every possible way.
  • It can send discount codes, promotional deals, gift boxes, and other tempting offers to attract customers.
  • If you have the right content, email list, and sending practices, your emails will definitely land in your recipient’s inboxes.
  • It also supports A/B testing, so you can evaluate the performance of your marketing campaigns and pick the best one.
  • If there are many inactive or suspended email contacts on your list, the email-sending campaign is automatically paused to protect your reputation.


  • The first thing that users don’t like is the price. Omnisend for eCommerce is a bit expensive. You also need to buy credits for SMS if the number of SMS exceeds the given limit.
  • There is no suppression list feature to date. However, they are working to introduce this feature.
  • Cleaning the email list can be a bit problematic. If you don’t take it seriously, your account could be suspended.

Final Words:

Omnisend is a popular email marketing tool. It can make email marketing automated and simple. You can integrate it with your Shopify store and many other partnered platforms. It is an easy way to increase conversions and customer experience. We have given an in-depth Omnisend review to give you a better idea of whether you need this tool or not. We hope you have a clear of Omnisend email marketing.

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